Support you might be entitled to
Your business may be eligible for the following incentives
Funding programmes
Grants, loans and other support programmes to help fund companies in Porto
Municipal incentives
Municipal measures to support local businesses and increase the city's attractiveness
“Porto com Sentido” Programme
Municipal Programme intended to stimulate the supply of housing under the Regime of Affordable Rent.
Urban rehabilitation - Real Estate Tax and VAT exemptions
A set of tax benefits for urban rehabilitation projects that includes exemptions from the Municipal Real Estate Tax (IMI) and Municipal Real Estate Transfer Tax (IMT), along with reduced Value Added Tax (VAT - IVA) rates under certain circumstances.
“Confiança Porto” Municipal Programme
A Municipal Programme that aims to distiguish local tourist accomodation establishments who reveal a set of good practices and initiatives in their service and business model.
“Porto de Tradição” Municipal Programme
The “Porto de Tradição” Municipal Programme seeks to recognize and distinguish local establishments with relevant social, cultural, and historical ties to the city of Porto.
Recruitment and employer support
Grants and support measures for companies creating jobs and providing on-the-job training in Porto
INOV Contacto International Internships
International internship programme that allows highly-qualified graduates in Portugal to work abroad.
IEFP - +Employment
The +Employment measure consists of granting financial support to the employer for signing of a full-time, open-ended employment contract with an unemployed person registered with the IEFP.
IEFP - Employment + Talent
The Employment + Talent measure consists of granting employers financial support for the full-time hiring of unemployed young people who are registered with the IEFP
ATIVAR.PT Incentive
Financial support for employers who sign open-ended or fixed-term employment contracts for 12 months or more with unemployed people registered with the Employment Center (IEFP).
Tax benefits for companies
Tax relief for productive investments and tax measures to support your company
Exemption or reduction of Social Security contribution payments
Employers may benefit from a reduction in social security contribution payments for young individuals seeking their first job and for long-term unemployed individuals.
Tax Regime for Investment Support (RFAI)
Tax credit/deduction of a percentage of the investment made in non-current assets (tangible and intangible).
Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (OIC)
A favourable tax regime for OIC which comply with certain conditions and are set up and operate in accordance with national legislation.
Conventional Remuneration of the Share Capital
Deduction from the taxable profit of the amount corresponding to 7% of the share capital contributions made in each tax year, up to a limit of € 2,000,000.00.
Deduction for Retained and Reinvested Profits (DLRR)
Incentive measure for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) that allows Corporate Income Tax (IRC) credit/deduction from retained profits that are reinvested in relevant applications.
Tax Incentive Scheme for Research and Development II (SIFIDE II)
Corporate Income Tax (IRC) credit/deduction, up to the total tax due, of eligible R&D expenses, under certain circumstances.
Venture Capital Funds (FCR)
Any type of income obtained through Venture Capital Funds (FCR) which are established and operate in accordance with national legislation is exempt from Corporate Income Tax (IRC).
Contractual tax benefits for productive investment
Tax benefits regime, of a contractual nature, with a validity period of up to 10 years counted from the conclusion of the investment project, for investment projects whose relevant applications are equal to or exceed € 3,000,000.00.
Capital gains roll-over relief on the disposal of tangible assets
Only 50% of the positive difference between capital gains and capital losses in the case of reinvestment of the sale value of all assets is considered for determining taxable profit.
Patent Box Regime
Deduction from taxable profit of an amount of income arising from contracts for the transfer or temporary use of patents, industrial designs or copyrights on computer programs.
Special Regime of Group Taxation (RETGS)
Determination of the taxable Profit of the group, through the algebraic sum of the taxable profits and tax losses of each individual company in the group.
Tax benefits for private individuals
Tax relief for private individuals investing or working in Porto
Incentives for business recapitalisation
Reduction to the Personal Income Tax (IRS) of individuals who make capital contributions to undercapitalized companies.
Capital gains from the sale of shares in micro and small companies
Only 50% of the capital gains resulting from the disposal of shares of micro and small companies not listed on the regulated or non-regulated stock exchanges are subject to Personal Income Tax (IRS).
Visa programmes
Visa programmes for investment, work or business purposes for non-European Union/EEA citizens coming to Porto
StartUP Visa
Visa Programme aimed at foreign entrepreneurs seeking to establish a startup in Portugal.
Digital Nomad Visa
The Digital Nomad Visa allows employees and independent professionals to work remotely from Portugal.