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Business Explorer
Community Overview
Community Overview
Navigate through essential data about Porto. Use our community profile infographic tool to explore our region.
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Demographic Data
Demographic Data
Discover more about the residents and workforce of Porto and their household details.
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Labor Force
Labor Force
Know more information about businesses in Porto and the employees who keep them running.
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FDI Data
FDI Data
Examine foreign direct investment data in the city of Porto, by country, amount of investment, jobs, number of projects, and sector.
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Market and Industries
Market and Industries
Explore Porto's businesses. Discover industry clusters, major employers, and potential competitors and customers.
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Research, analyze, and map data about Porto's universities. See top institutions' degree production by number of new graduates
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Mapping & GIS Data
Mapping & GIS Data
Easily visualize data using our user-friendly mapping tool. Access demographic variables and GIS data relevant to growth or expansion in Porto.
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Property Search
Property Search
Discover Sites & Buildings in Porto. Explore available industrial and commercial sites and buildings in the city.
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