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Recruitment and employer support

ATIVAR.PT Incentive

The ATIVAR.PT Program consists in a financial support for employers who sign permanent or fixed-term employment contracts for 12 months or more with unemployed people registered with the Employment Center (IEFP).

These employers then have the obligation to provide professional/vocational training for the hired workers.

For permanent contracts, the amount of financial support to be granted consists in 12 times the value of the then current IAS (Indexante dos Apoios Sociais), while for fixed-term contracts the amount corresponds to 4 times the value of said IAS.

To know which IAS value is currently in place, please go to the following page.


Target population:
  • Young people aged up to 29 years or people aged 45 years or more, unemployed and registered in the Employment Center (IEFP) for at least 2 consecutive months;
  • Unemployed people registered for at least 6 consecutive months;
  • Unemployed people living in a single-parent family or living in a legal relation where both are unemployed;
  • Unemployment compensation beneficiaries and social income beneficiaries;
  • Those not registered as employed or self-employed in the Social Security Service within the past 12 months;
  • Those who finished an internship of strategic interest financed by IEFP within the past 12 months.
To know more about the target population, please visit the Program’s Guide  (under the "DESTINATÁRIOS” heading).

The employer is obliged to provide vocational training adjusted to the skills required by the job position in question, in one of the following modalities:
  • On-the-job training, provided for a minimum period of 12 months and accompanied by a tutor appointed by the employer;
  • Training provided by a certified entity, with a minimum workload of 50 hours (carried out during normal working hours, whenever possible). 

How to obtain

You can submit your application directly by registering in the IEFP portal.

Learn more

You can find more information regarding the ATIVAR.PT Incentive Program in IEFP’s website.
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