The region has a highly competitive ecosystem for advanced production technology development, test, validation, and demonstration.

The city is also home to PRODUTECH, the Production Technologies Cluster of Portugal, which was awarded in 2015 the Gold Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI). Other cornerstones of Industrial Innovation in the Porto Region are INEGI - Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, INESC TEC - Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers, and the Research Center for Systems and Technologies (SYSTEC), located at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.

The quality of engineering talent in Porto, underpinned by a world-class education system, is a key reason why leading companies have chosen Porto to set up their engineering and tech centres. Portugal is the 3rd country with the highest share of engineering graduates in Europe. Porto’s macro-region is home to more than 61,000 STEM students. The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto is currently one of Portugal’s oldest and most prestigious teaching and research institutions in engineering and related fields. Its mechanical engineering course is ranked 78th in the world (NTU ranking 2020). The School of Engineering of Porto Polytechnic is also one of the top schools of engineering and technology in Portugal, having achieved the European quality certification OE+EUR-ACE, the main European quality reference in engineering education.
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