UPTEC’s startup is part of the project to protect Europe’s defence communications

The U. Porto Spin-off and startup incubated at UPTEC- Science and Technology Park of Porto Adyta will collaborate in the development of quantum communications networks to strengthen Europe’s defence communications autonomy. This project termed DISCRETION will be developed for 42 months and has a budget of more than 6.7 million euros.
The DISCRETION project is aimed at integrating and combining Software Defined Networks (SDN) and the distribution of quantum keys. Together with the legacy of optical networks it will be possible to build a highly effective scalable and resilient network control architecture, for the services of advanced tactical operations, thus strengthening Europe’s defence communications and enabling European Armed Forces to also use the Radio Frequency Spectrum when engaged in tactical military activities.
Adyta’s integration in such a Consortium that is at the forefront of technology is crucial, as "quantum technologies will be key regarding safe communications in the future and this area of safe communications is one of our primary focus. It is with pride that Adyta integrates such a project that includes so many relevant national and international entities”, affirmed Carlos Carvalho, Adyta’s CEO.
The DISCRETION project was approved under the European Programme for Defence Industrial Development, upon call for submissions in 2020. In addition to Adyta, another four Portuguese entities integrate the project, namely: DEIMOS Engenharia, Consortium leader, Institute of Telecommunication, Higher Technical Institute and Altice Labs; and also the Spanish entities Telefonica Investigación y Desarrollo S.A.U. and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, as well as the Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH and Nextworks.
The U. Porto Spin-off and startup incubated at UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of Porto Adyta has exclusively Portuguese capitals. Its mission is to promote tailored solutions for sovereign bodies, corporate groups and other organisations that deal with sensitive or classified information.
ADYTA core business is in the defence areas and communication protection, via innovative and customer adjusted
In 2019, the company detected a vulnerability at Galaxy Apps Store, which won the company a recognition under the Mobile Security Rewards Program by Samsung.