University of Porto stands out among those that develop the most and better scientific research worldwide

The University of Porto appears in the National Taiwan University (NTU) ranking as one of the 100 best in the world that develops more and better scientific research in the areas of Agrarian Sciences, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. This is the conclusion of one of the most reputed international rankings that measure the scientific performance of higher education institutions.
To compile this list, more than 4000 universities from around the world are evaluated regarding their performance in the last 11 years (2009-2019), in areas such as productivity, impact, and excellence of scientific research produced by different institutions. In the six fields of knowledge evaluated (By Field), U.Porto obtains its best classification in the field of Agriculture, being highlighted in the 82nd position worldwide. The University also rises seven positions in the Engineering area (it appears in the 174th), and it also stands out among the best universities in Life Sciences (188th) and in Natural Sciences (280th).
In the analysis of scientific areas (By Subject), U.Porto positions itself in 19th place in the ranking, out of 24 possible, having registered an increase in 14 areas. Thus, UP stands out in Agrarian Sciences in 2019, and occupies the 45th position worldwide. U.Porto's research is also among the top 100 in the world in the areas of Pharmacology and Toxicology (50th), Mechanical Engineering (78th), Civil Engineering (86th), Chemical Engineering (92th) and, in a debut, in the area of Animal and Plant Sciences (96th).
The NTU Ranking 2020 places UP among the best in 13 scientific areas, namely Environment and Ecology (position 101st), Molecular Biology and Genetics (169th), Microbiology (174th), Biology and Biochemistry (179th), Immunology (179th), Chemistry (183rd), Space Sciences (187th), Electrical Engineering (191st), Material Sciences (222nd), Clinical Medicine (224th), Computer Science (230th), Mathematics (275th) and Physics (351-300th).
You can consult the NTU Ranking 2020 here.