PBS and Natixis' Capital Markets aimed at banking professionals with open enrollment until October 11th

Porto Business School (PBS) decided to extend the enrollment period for the training program it created in partnership with Natixis, aimed at professionals with experience in finance, banking, or quantitative models who wish to deepen their technical skills in the field of capital. Registration is open until October 11th.
The program "Capital Markets: Quantitative Approach" is scheduled to start on October 18th and will take place at PBS, after work hours, three days a week. The program can be attended in person, but also in a hybrid format (allowing the choice between face-to-face and online synchronous). It will have a duration of 144 hours and will be fully taught in English.
"With this training, the two institutions intend not only to promote the upskilling of professionals with experience in the financial and banking areas, through specialization in the theme of the capital market in Portugal, but also to promote the requalification of staff in the banking sector, who has suffered from structural adjustments”, reads the statement.
Globally, the "Capital Markets: Quantitative Approach” program will enable the acquisition of quantitative skills essential to perform roles in the financial sector in the capital markets area, an area for which demand from employers is growing.
Applications can be submitted through the Porto Business School website.
Natixis in Portugal is currently undergoing a recruitment process, with the aim of recruiting more than 400 employees by the end of the year. The company is looking for professionals with different levels of seniority in the areas of banking, finance, economics, management, law, and information technology.