Company exports casino games from Porto and will increase its team of gamers

· 30 Dec 2021
217 gamers are already part of the strategy of Fabamaq, the software company for casino games that exports to Spain, Ireland, the Philippines, Mexico, Uruguay or Paraguay from its offices in Campo Alegre. In 2022, the technological company from Porto expects to increase its team with 35 more people, with some positions already open.
Some of the positions will be to work with the new technology (Godot), but also in new projects - for physical and digital casinos - that are expected for next year. However, Fabamaq is looking for people for project management, certification, data management, and different software development teams.
This year, the company's employees gained the jackpot, sharing a performance bonus of 500,000 euros among themselves. Fabamaq's operations director does not doubt that "it is very positive to close the year this way, with another gesture of recognition of the work done by our Gamers".
In a press release, João Maia says that "we hope that the awarding of the bonus reinforces the focus on the work to achieve global goals and the outlined roadmap and contributes positively to the excellent team spirit we live in the company”.
But the compensation and attribution of benefits to employees do not stop here. Fabamaq recently joined the service of Coverflex, also from Porto, which provides a solution that allows companies to reduce costs and maximize the income potential of their employees.
"With this change, the company intends to provide more flexible and diversified benefits that provide each Gamer a choice more adjusted to their individual needs and preferences", says Fabamaq.
Founded in 2011, the technology company develops the entire product package related to casino games: from design, sound, graphics or animations to mathematics, the game engine, among others.