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Bosch will invest 28 million euros and create 125 jobs together with the University of Porto

Bosch will invest 28 million euros and create 125 jobs together with the University of Porto
Jornal de Negócios · 07 Dec 2021
The German group signs this Tuesday a partnership protocol with the University of Porto for the development of the Theia project, within the scope of intelligent mobility, in a ceremony that will be attended by António Costa.

The new joint innovation project of Bosch and the University of Porto (U. Porto), within the scope of intelligent mobility, is called Theia - Automated Perception Driving, represents an investment of 28 million euros and predicts the creation of 55 new jobs in the German group in Portugal and the involvement of more than 70 researchers of the university. "Theia aims to develop solutions to improve the sensory capabilities of autonomous vehicles, through perception algorithms based on data collected by their sensors", reveals the University of Porto in a statement.

The choice of this university for the development of new solutions for the technology used in autonomous cars "puts Portugal on the map of major innovations in terms of intelligent mobility and the future", stresses the institution led by António de Sousa Pereira.

"Among other aspects, this innovation project will contribute to ensure that the necessary safety conditions for the use of autonomous vehicles are guaranteed. The idea is that these vehicles can predict and even 'choose' scenarios given the obstacle/problem identified, thanks to the improvements of the integrated sensors", explains the University of Porto.

Speaking to Negócios, the Bosch representative in Portugal promises that the Germanic group will continue to bet on these partnerships to develop its projects in the area of innovation.

"We do not doubt that these partnerships are the key to boosting innovation, scientific development and the creation of skilled jobs. This is why we will continue to promote these relationships that are synonymous with the recognition of the quality of talent and the dynamics of the research and development ecosystem that exists in Portugal", says Carlos Ribas.

The ceremony to sign the investment contract between Bosch, the University of Porto and AICEP will be attended by the Prime Minister, António Costa, and the Secretaries of State for Science, Technology and Higher Education, João Sobrinho Teixeira, and for Internationalization, Eurico Brilhante Dias.

Besides Costa, Ribas and the rector, the session will also have the intervention of Stephan Höenle, administrator of the autonomous driving business area of Bosch.