Best website for mobile phones in the world looking for engineers and designers for Porto

The vast list of awards won by Moxy caught the attention of North Americans from Uphold, who bought the digital agency from Porto with the objective of "simplifying the platform's interface" for consumers. The business brings the need to hire another six dozen people – including software engineers and designers – over the next few months.
The story begins in 2016, after Marco Oliveira, Filipe Dias, and André Cruz left the Baboom music service and assumed the will to continue working together. Thus was born Moxy, a software studio that combines design and engineering in applications that are developed for web and mobile phones, namely for luxury e-commerce companies.
Two offices in Porto (one in Madeira and another in Berlin) later, and more than 30 awards on the shelf, including the best website for mobile phones in the world, during the Awwwards gala, in Amsterdam, in 2019. Have now sparked the interest of the Uphold financial platform.
What the North American company found in the Moxy was a solution to "simplify the platform interface" that allows it to buy cryptocurrencies and fractions of North American shares, having access to the foreign exchange markets, precious metals and even carbon credits.
The acquisition, says the head of operations at Uphold, Simon Mcloughlin, "comes at a time of development" for the company that holds, "the equivalent of 3.730 billion dollars (3.140 billion euros) in assets under management and which belong to more than eight million consumers from 150 countries”.
In a statement, the general director, Marco Oliveira, recalls that "Moxy started with a handful of dedicated programmers and engineers, with a focus on e-commerce, ending up focusing on the decentralized internet" and that, with this acquisition, "we plan to continue exploring this crossover between design and engineering."