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URBACT Infoday

URBACT Infoday
27 Oct 2017
October 27th was the URBACT 2017 Information Day, at the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library, in Porto. The initiative, organised in partnership with the Porto City Council, allowed the presentation of 12 Good Practices recently certified by URBACT and also serve as stage for the promotion of the new Competition for the URBACT Transfer Networks (open until January 10th).

Portugal has maintained a significant commitment with this European Programme, which enables cities to work together in order to development sustainable solutions for the main urban challenges. This session had the participation of several Portuguese cities which disclosed urban solutions for themes, such as education, biodiversity, environmental management, citizenship, historic and cultural heritage, among others.

The experience acquired by the city of Porto with the Programme URBACT has been clearly positive, due to the effective involvement in transnational networks, which have facilitated the access to European projects with impact on the development of the city. The participation in the Networks "CSCD: smart technologies” and "URBAN3S” should be noted, with the Project IN Focus – "Smart Specialisation at Local Level”, which involves a network of European cities, oriented for the increase of competitiveness and the creation of jobs based on specific specialisation strategies, with the main challenge of developing robust urban policies which allow for the identification and attraction of new opportunities.

The Competition now presented aims at creating 25 Transfer Networks which focus on the adjustment and transfer of good practices confirmed among the UE cities. These networks will, therefore, work as an exchange and learning tool.

The URBACT programme is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).
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