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ULI Italy Annual Conference 2018

ULI Italy Annual Conference 2018
19 Apr 2018
On April 19th, in Milan, the ULI Italy Annual Conference took place, under the theme "Competitive Italian Cities: Making the most of new realities”.

The event gathered international leaders and political leaders from Italy, who presented important researches on the competitiveness of Milan and Turin, not only as individual cities, but also as part of the transalpine region. Also approach were other themes such as technology, density, innovation, urban planning and geopolitics.

The city of Porto, represented by the Councillor for Economy, Tourism and Commerce, Ricardo Valente, was one of the cities invited to share its experience from an economic, touristic and commercial point of view, alongside Amsterdam, Stockholm and Barcelona.

The closing lecture was presented by Professor Carlo Ratti, of the MIT, Sensable City Lab. In the afternoon there was also the opportunity for ULI members to attend a masterclass on the opportunities and challenged of "Urban Competitiveness”, by Professor Greg Clark.

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is a non-profit education and research institute supported by its members. Founded in 1936, the Institute has nearly 40,000 members in 82 countries representing all aspects of the land use and development disciplines. ULI Europe has a particularly strong presence in the major European real estate markets in the United Kingdom, Germany, France and the Netherlands, but is also active in emerging markets such as Turkey and Poland.
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