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Summer OpPORTOnities: 59 new talents enter the city's job market

In July and August, 38 companies in the city will welcome the talents of 59 young people who are part of this year's edition of the Municipal Labor Market Immersion Program. The City Councillor for the Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Ricardo Valente, marked the start of another Summer OpPORTOnities on Wednesday afternoon at Polo Zero.

Summer OpPORTOnities: 59 new talents enter the city's job market · 27 Jun 2024

Aimed at young people between the ages of 18 and 21, the program aims to bring these young people, who live or study in the city of Porto, closer to the business reality, promoting the identification of talent by employers.

With 59 trainees and 38 companies, this third edition is 21% and 36% up on the previous year. Support from the municipality also grew (84%), to over 79.6 thousand euros. It's worth remembering that the municipality is responsible for 95% of the total value of the internship grants, with the employers paying the rest, as well as the food allowance and work accident insurance premium.

This year, most of the vacancies (42%) come from the hotel and restaurant sector. Young people will also be able to immerse themselves in work experience in the areas of management support, technology, logistics, commerce or human resources, among others.

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