Primavera Sound Porto will delve into the city's economy and tourism
Primavera Sound Porto 2024 isn't just about music. The festival is returning to Parque da Cidade on 6, 7 and 8 June and is bringing with it experiences that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the city's economy and tourism. A trip to Bolhão or a visit to a replica of a historic market stall will give you a better idea of what Invicta is made of. But that's not all.

In its 11th edition, one of the main attractions of Primavera Sound Porto will once again be the Bolhão Market, which will be represented in a replica. The space, which will allow for a more interactive experience, welcomes visitors with a passport that invites them to explore the different city projects present there.
Among the projects that visitors will be able to interact with are TERA (Talent. Evolve. Retain. Attract), Scale Up Porto and Invest Porto, under the Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship portfolio, as well as Visit Porto, under the Tourism and Internationalisation portfolio.
In the space dedicated to TERA (Attract, Retain, Develop), participants will be put to the test in an interactive quiz, which will communicate the range of talents and job opportunities that exist in Porto.
At the Scale Up Porto stand (We Are All Entrepreneurs), players will have to eliminate incorrect options and get the right answers about the city's start-up ecosystem.
In the InvestPorto area (Shaping a Sustainable City), participants will be challenged to associate nationalities with more than 40 Leading Investors.
As part of the tourism programme, and at the Visit Porto stand (When You Stay In Porto, Stays In You), the Primavera Sound audience will be invited to discover the city's eight blocks through a dynamic game.
At each stall located in the mini Mercado do Bolhão, participants will have the opportunity to carry out interactive and themed activities designed by the Municipality. At the end of the trip, on presentation of the stickers proving their participation, they will enjoy a wine tasting and receive the Porto Kit, which includes a cap, tote bag/backpack and a Porto Diary for the month of June.