Porto is the 5th small/mid-sized city in Europe with the highest share of female founders

Startup Heatmap Europe
· 17 Nov 2022
According to Startup Heatmap Europe 2022, 1
out of 5 startups in Porto have female founders, making it one of the
top 5 mid-sized cities in Europe with highest share of female founders.
Porto has distinguished itself as one of the small/medium European cities with the highest percentage of female founders of startups (19%).
The study Startup Heatmap Europe 2022 analysed a sample of more than 20,000 founders of technology startups in Europe, and came to the conclusion that in the city of Porto about 1 in 5 startups are founded by women, the fifth highest record among small/medium cities in Europe.
Vienna is the leader in large ecosystems (19.2%), but small and medium ecosystems display a higher share of female founders overall.
In the top 5 small/mid-sized cities in Europe for female founders, the remaining 4 places above Porto are occupied by Lisbon (23.2%), Dublin (23.1%), Stockholm (20.2%) and Luxembourg (20.1%).
Vienna is the leader in large ecosystems (19.2%), but small and medium ecosystems display a higher share of female founders overall.
In the top 5 small/mid-sized cities in Europe for female founders, the remaining 4 places above Porto are occupied by Lisbon (23.2%), Dublin (23.1%), Stockholm (20.2%) and Luxembourg (20.1%).
Some examples of startups founded by women with presence or origin in Porto include Defined.ai (Daniela Braga), Didimo (Verónica Orvalho), Veniam (Susana Sargento) and Tonic App (Daniela Seixas).