Porto is home to economic dynamism and start-up culture

Founders Founders, a co-working space in the city of Porto that helps boost start-ups is to expand in Porto and will inaugurate a new space in the parish of Campanhã, in eastern Porto. The new Founders Founders’ space, close by Campanhã Station, will have 4 thousand square metres, it will accommodate circa 300 people, from 12 startups. It is scheduled to open in the beginning of 2021.
Porto is home to economic dynamism and start-up culture as start-up economy is spreading across town; in fact, following the tech company Readiness IT, 100% Portuguese Capital Company that is listed among the top best companies in the world of digital transformation, by the international magazine APAC CIO Outlook, which is headquartered in Campanhã, the parish of Campanhã demonstrated it is among the perfect spots in Porto for attracting projects from all over the world.
Not only does Campanhã offer attractive commercial space, as regards rental prices per square metre, but it also ensures effective urbanistic instruments as urban refurbishment operations (ORU), which grant reduction in municipal urban taxes, and other fiscal benefits to investors.
The new Founders Founders’ space – the first space, a 1300 m² house in Porto city centre, was officially inaugurated in April 2017, nearby the Praça do Marquês – will be named "Founders Founders Porto Oriental” and it will be running in early 2021.
"Campanhã is undergoing great investment, especially with projects such as the Terminal Intermodal, the former Matadouro, the refurbishing of the Jardim da Corujeira, and now Founders Founders Porto Oriental”, states the Founders Founders community in a press release.
The rehabilitated building, located nearby the Campanhã railroad station, will offer "a viewpoint, a gym, a restaurant, and also modern technology and the ability to produce 50% of all the energy it requires”, explains Nuno Esteves, CEO of Horizonte Urbano, in-charge of the promotion, project and the entire work of Founders Founders Oriental.
Nuno Esteves furthers that "like in several buildings in this part of town, there are many industrialisation features; there is an industrial chimney that was preserved, a water reservoir transformed into a viewpoint and the entire planning of interiors keeps some of the building’s original fixtures. The choice of materials seeks both energetic and acoustic comfort, and the building’s photovoltaic installation is able to produce 50% of the required energy.
This work is in line with sustainability issues, regarding investment needs and the solving of space problem, as the Founders Founders entrepreneurs network is increasingly expanding, both in people and projects. "Campanhã will concentrate a great deal of the city’s technological and creative initiative, so it had to be here!”, enhances Rui Santos Couto, co-founder of Founders Founders.
The community gave birth to the Tech4Covid19 Movement, created in Porto during the first weeks of the pandemic, and has, thus far, contributed with several fundraising efforts regarding sanitary equipment, housing for doctors and nurses, and support initiatives for people in isolation.
The Founders Founders resident start-ups have raised more than 50 million euros in investment and collaborate with circa 500 qualified staff.