Porto. For Talent Summer Academy opens the doors of companies to students

September marks the return to school, but Porto. For Talent Summer Academy presents differentiated classes: workshops, talks and company visits. The target audience are higher education students in the region and the study plan takes place from September to November.
The initiative promoted by Porto City Hall will give young talents the opportunity to meet dozens of companies, talk to their professionals and thus discover the business world more deeply.
Without any associated cost, students enrolled in the academic year 2022/2023, any cycle of studies in an institution of higher education in the macro-region of Porto and North can enroll in the academy.
Between 6 and 9 September, the Career Workshops take place, moments to talk about different career models and paths, deconstruct myths, contact with companies and other colleagues, make choices about companies and professionals to contact in order to better understand the real work context.
At the same time, there is room for a Learning Community, where students will have access to guides that will help them prepare effectively for their contact with companies and professionals.
The first part of the Porto. For Talent Summer Academy is also made up of Life Talks, that is, individual conversations between a professional and a student that will allow them to find out about functions, academic profiles, career options and other relevant aspects to better understand the real work context.
From September to November, the Meeting Points take place, which are true guided tours to companies of different sectors of activity, size and purposes, giving the chance to contact/question people who work there.
During the academy, there is also time for informal evening chats between a panel of company professionals and a group of students, the Career Sunsets. Everything happens on different days and times to accommodate interests and availability.
The Summer Academy will take place in a hybrid model, so there will be both face-to-face and distance activities. At the end, all students receive a certificate of participation.