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Porto's military buildings will be reconverted into affordable housing

Porto's military buildings will be reconverted into affordable housing
(re)Portugal · 17 Sep 2021

This week, the Council of Ministers approved the disaffection of the public water and military domain of Trem do Ouro and Casa do Lordelo do Ouro buildings, in Porto, which will be used for affordable housing by the IHRU - Property Institute and the Urban Rehabilitation.

In the statement of the Council of Ministers, it is possible to read that "the decree-law that disaffects from the public water domain and from the military public domain the State properties allocated to National Defense, available for monetization under the Law on Military Infrastructures, designated by PM 11/Porto – "Trem do Ouro" and PM 17/Porto – "House of Lordelo do Ouro", integrating them into the private domain of the State".

The note also specifies that "these properties are intended for the promotion of housing solutions within the Public Housing Park at Affordable Costs".

Last year, the Government announced that it was contacting local authorities to identify those interested in monetizing military properties on the list of the Military Infrastructure Law. In clarifications to Lusa, Porto City Council recalls that, in this municipality, four military buildings were identified for the construction of affordable housing, two in Ouro, one in Avenida da França and another in Rua da Boavista.

The first three buildings will be developed by the IHRU, and the last, used by Military Maintenance and General Uniform and Equipment Workshops, will be developed in partnership between OGFE and Porto City Council.

"Porto City Council awaits the signing of a protocol with IHRU, for the development of an affordable housing project in the former army uniforms and equipment workshops and the Military Maintenance building, located in Rua da Boavista", refers the local authority to Lusa, cited by the Observador newspaper.

On the other hand, in addition to these properties, a protocol will be signed with IHRU for the development of affordable housing on land that will still be transferred from the State to the Municipality of Porto, on Faria Guimarães and Santos Pousada streets.

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