Pólo Zero hosts conference Portugal Inspirador
The Medialivre Group, which includes Correio da Manhã, CMTV and Jornal de Negócios, will hold the Portugal Inspirador conference on July 9th, starting at 3:30 pm, at Pólo Zero, of the Porto Academic Federation (FAP). The event has the support of Porto City Council.

Under the theme "Internationalization", the opening of the conference will be given by the councilor for Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Ricardo Valente. Two panels will follow: "Global Horizons", with the presence of archaeologist and historian Joel Cleto, and "Expanding Frontiers: Internationalization of Economy and Exportation", with the participation of Helena Lampreia, Head of International Desk at Santander, Matilde Vasconcelos, CEO of Trot & Trotinete, Paulo Vaz, executive vice-president of AEP, and Rui Fazenda, CEO of Gislótica. The debates will be moderated by a CMTV journalist.
Portugal Inspirador aims to recognize and give
visibility to companies that operate in the national territory and
that stand out for their ability to create jobs, boost the market, innovate,
boost economic development and that contribute most globally to the growth of
the national economy.
Complete Portugal Inspirador program here.