Open competition for 10 affordable income houses in the Historic Center

The Municipality of Porto, through the municipal company Porto Vivo, SRU opened the public tender for the accessible lease of ten rehabilitated houses in the Historic Center. The application period runs until November 29th. At the end of the process, the houses will be allocated by lot to the selected candidates.
It is another step in the municipal affordable rental program, which in early August made it possible for new and old residents to arrive at Morro da Sé. There are a dozen houses ready to live between Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, Rua dos Pelames, Rua dos Mercadores and Rua da Armenia, and the types vary between one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom.
Those interested may refer to the Contest Program, available at the Porto Vivo SRU website or, alternatively, at the headquarters of the municipal company itself (Rua de Mouzinho da Silveira, no. 208 to 214).
The rental prices start at 273 euros for a one-bedroom, with 632 euros being the maximum value proposed for a triplex three-bedroom. The candidates' effort rate should not exceed 35% and, among the admissibility criteria, the program determines maximum yields per calendar year and the suitability of the household composition to the typology that is applying.
In the qualification process, candidates who have been residing in the municipality of Porto for at least four years, or who have at least one member of the candidate household work or exercise activity in the city of Porto, for at least six months will be increased. The youth of the households is yet another factor that the program values and that will be taken into account by the competition jury.
The houses are owned by Porto Vivo, SRU, and have undergone a thorough rehabilitation. They can be visited by interested parties through prior registration, which must be made until November 5th, through the email Applications by the municipal company at a later date will not be accepted.
The allocation of the ten units will be made by lot, on a date to be determined, and the transmission ensured by digital means.
The period for the submission of applications runs from October 26th to November 29th.
It should be not that this is just one of the municipal affordable rental program, centered on the rehabilitation of properties in the Historic Center of Porto. This Monday, the Municipal Executive will also vote on a subdivision operation in Monte da Bela (Campanhã), which will allow the construction of around 244 homes for the middle class.
+ info: Porto Vivo, SRU