Natixis wins new business for Porto and creates 130 more jobs

The French investment bank, which chose Porto to settle here about three years ago, will once again increase its portfolio of services and, consequently, has already opened the recruitment of another 130 employees for the areas of Law, Management, Economy and Finance.
The novelty was revealed by the director of the bank in Portugal, Nathalie Risacher, who told that among the priorities to extend the work in Porto to finance and banking activities, giving now even more priority to innovation. Until now, the work developed in Porto was oriented towards the technological area of the financial group.
The fact that it combines agility and flexibility, typical of a startup, with the investment capacity that a small company has difficulty obtaining, leads the manager to look very optimistically at the success of the operation, in the perspective of taking an active role in the current banking transformation. "We want Porto to implement these solutions", declared Nathalie Risacher.
Remembering that the arrival of Natixis and several other companies to Porto to invest and create jobs was facilitated by the strategy started by Porto City Council in 2015, when the Mayor, Rui Moreira, decided to create an office focused on attracting investment, called InvestPorto. And that, by attracting several foreign companies on a consolidated basis, has already made Porto recognized for its attractiveness and was even recently awarded for it internationally.
However, it should be underlined that it was innovation, the development of the city and attractive conditions at the most diverse levels that managed to concentrate talents in Porto and make the companies settle here. As, by the way, you can see in the plans of the director of Natixis: "We want to create an innovation hub, give solutions with value to the bank and, for that, we need talent. If it were only for the costs, we would go to another country".