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Natixis bus gives young people a lift to IT and finance internships

Natixis bus gives young people a lift to IT and finance internships
Porto. · 09 Feb 2022
It is purple and has a capacity of 80 seats. The Natixis Purple Bus parks this Wednesday and Thursday near several university education institutions in Porto to promote 80 internships in information technology and finance that the French group has for young finalists at the office in Porto Business Plaza.

Purple Scan Finalists Edition is looking for students in the areas of IT, Economics, Management, Accounting, Finance, International Relations, Law and Human Resources, "fluent in English and enthusiastic about starting their career path", says the company in a statement.

The Natixis Purple Bus will circulate between the university poles of Asprela and Campo Alegre and the route ends with a late-afternoon networking event at the Natixis offices to showcase the facilities and "experience an informal moment with the teams". The event is free of charge but subject to registration.

Applications for the Purple Scan Finalists Edition can be submitted online until March 4th and internships take place between March and July, in a hybrid model.

The places for curricular internships are distributed among the IT areas, namely Development, Application Support, DevOps, Systems Administration, Cybersecurity, Networking, Database and Quality Assurance; and Banking Support Activities, for the Reporting, Risk, Capital Markets, Financial Products and Instruments, Compliance, Anti-Money Laundering, International Trade Law, Human Resources functions, among others.

"Throughout the internship programme, the young professionals are closely monitored, in order to learn as much as possible about the various areas and projects that we develop in our Centre of Excellence in Porto, having contact with teams all over the world", guarantees the director of human resources at Natixis Portugal.

Maurício Marques says that "at Natixis, we want to give young students the chance to experience a learning path and to grow with us, helping us to develop the project we have for the company in Portugal".

"Multicultural work context; career start-up; partnerships with universities; programmes in corporate skills; dynamic work methodologies, based on agility, flexibility, entrepreneurship and creativity" are the driving force behind this internship programme.

Natixis has been in Porto since 2018, in a centre of excellence that has been following the growing direction, both in skills - providing innovative solutions to support Natixis' business operations worldwide - and in human resources. In 2022, it received, for the sixth consecutive year, the Top Employer certification from the Top Employers Institute, one of the most recognised human resources awards internationally.
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