Multinational Linde wants young talents from Porto

Dinheiro Vivo
· 02 Dec 2022
The group's shared services centre, installed a decade ago in Invicta, has gained new competencies. And it is recruiting.
Linde, world leader in industrial gases and engineering, and responsible for a consolidated turnover of around 26 billion euros, has invested in the growth of the shared services centre in Porto and, for this, wants to recruit new employees. The focus is on the younger generations, who have a mentality open to the European and international spirit, have entrepreneurial characteristics and are comfortable in multicultural environments such as the multinational's, points out Miguel Núñez, Linde Iberia's human resources director. The group has been offering an average of 10 to 15 vacancies per month.
The shared services centre in Porto, one of the four the group has in Europe, has been in operation since 2012 and since then it has been adding skills. Initially, it started by providing customer support and billing in the medical area for Iberia, but the good results achieved led Linde to expand these services to the industrial business in Iberia, Benelux and France. At the same time, it has extended the activities of this hub to the areas of human resources, commercial, collections, finance and, more recently, digitalisation, related to artificial intelligence. Today, 200 professionals work in the Invicta centre, but to continue strengthening its action within the group it wants to attract "young, motivated people, with the desire to grow in a multinational, open-minded, alert, prepared and who speak several languages", says Miguel Núñez.
The high competition in the city for this generation does not inhibit the international group's strategy. As the person in charge underlines, "we have been leaders in the health sector in Portugal for many years, we are technologically recognised in the industrial part and we have known for decades what Porto and Portugal bring to our business, which is why we continue to invest, even in these times, in the city and in the country". To make a difference compared to other multinationals operating in Invicta, Linde offers "a great working environment, flexibility with regard to new forms of telework, the ability to change things and, above all, the possibility of professional development, which goes beyond the transactional positions of the competition, which may offer slightly better salary conditions, but without future prospects," he stresses.
According to Miguel Núñez, Linde also always has open the possibility of a professional career in the multinational's final business. "We have many examples of employees who have progressed since 2012 to roles in Linde's industrial or medical area, whether in Portugal or in other parts of the world, with important positions and in a wide variety of areas." In fact, recruitment vacancies are publicised internally and externally, via the company's online platform, "so that we can choose from the best, whether those who are already with us or those who want to join the company".
The Linde Group has its brand printed all over the country and in the daily lives of the Portuguese. As he reveals, "the industrial business is present in various aspects of daily life, from frozen products, carbonated drinks, welding, microchips", among others. We also "produce oxygen, hydrogen, argon and multiple complex gases for all types of industries" and, "in the health area, we are present in hospitals with our medical gases and we provide sleep therapy services to thousands of patients". The multinational directly employs around 800 workers in Portugal, but claims to generate more than double that number with indirect positions. The group is the result of the merger, in 2018, of Linde of Germany (founded in 1879) and Praxair of the United States (created in 1907 as Linde Air Products Company), and is responsible for around 70,000 employees, spread over more than 100 countries.