More than 450 tourist accommodation owners sold out "Confiança Porto” training courses

One month since the beginning of the training that the Municipality of Porto offers to owners of tourist accommodation, six sessions have already sold out. There are more than 450 participants in the Municipal Program "Confiança Porto”, which wants to help managers to offer an excellent service and to act as key agents in promoting Porto as a world reference destination.
This free training, comprises a range of topics related to management requirements, reception, cleaning service, equipment and infrastructure, maintenance and environment, security and surroundings.
After the training action, managers of tourist accommodations seeking recognition by the "Confiança Porto" seal must request a technical visit to verify that the necessary procedures are in place.
So far, and through the trainee satisfaction assessment questionnaire, sent at the end of each training, the feedback received has been very satisfactory, providing an opportunity to bet on the continuous improvement of the program.
The next training course with vacancies will take place on May 31st and June 2nd, 7th and 9th, always after work hours (from 6 pm to 8 pm).
All information related to the program, such as the schedule of actions, the Rules and Conditions (where it is possible to access the Verification Form that will support technical visits) and the most frequently asked questions, can be read on Portal do Municípe [Municipal Portal] of Porto City Council.
For any additional clarifications, it is also possible to contact the team responsible for the Municipal Program "Confiança Porto”, by e-mail