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Greenvolt wins 5% of total solar auction capacity in Germany

The company led by João Manso Neto won about 100 MW through MaxSolar, its subsidiary in Germany.

Greenvolt wins 5% of total solar auction capacity in Germany
Jornal de Negócios · 08 May 2023
Greenvolt Group will strengthen its installed solar energy capacity. The company led by João Manso Neto won around 100 megawatts (MW) in the first auction held this year in Germany.

Through MaxSolar, 35 percent owned by the Group, it won a total of 5 percent of the capacity put out to tender for the construction of large-scale solar projects in what is a reference market in renewable energy worldwide, Greenvolt said in a statement.

"In a highly competitive auction, Greenvolt, through its subsidiary in Germany, managed to bid for all the licences sought, further strengthening its pipeline of large-scale solar energy projects," explains the company's CEO.

João Manso Neto also adds that Germany is an "extremely important" market for Greenvolt, "both for the reference it already is in global terms in the renewables segment, and for the ambitious goals set for 2030". At stake is the goal set to increase the installed solar capacity to 300 GW by 2030.

The Bundesnetzagentur, Germany's Federal Grid Agency, went ahead with the first large-scale solar capacity auction this year, putting a total of around 1,950 MW up for bidding. A total of 347 bids were registered, for a total of 2,869 MW, substantially above the amount put up for auction, the company details in the same document.

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