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French Devoteam already works from the heart of the city of Porto

French Devoteam already works from the heart of the city of Porto
Porto. · 09 May 2022

There are 500 square meters in the heart of the city to house six dozen talents, and from there Devoteam’s relationship with the entire Northern region of the country will be nurtured. The inauguration of the new offices of the French technology consultancy, on Avenida dos Aliados, was attended, on Thursday morning by the Mayor of Porto.

Rui Moreira underlined the importance of these moments, "when we realize that companies are growing, investing in human resources, in technology, and are investing in the city”.

The mayor has no doubt that the role of politicians in this equation is to simplify and highlighted the Knowledge that exists in the city as a vital factor in attracting talent and investment.

Devoteam’s new offices have a capacity for 60 people and are neighbours of other companies that have been settling up in Palácio dos Correios. The Mayor of Porto believes that these technological centres are "true ecosystems”, which take time to grow and "need many components”.

"The city of Porto does not become a technological hub because the mayor decided that one day. Extraordinary ideas are not enough, it is necessary to build them”, he reinforced, with the certainty that Porto has the essential components: "We have talent, a great university, a very open culture, we are a city that welcomes, that likes to open up. And we have the fact that we believe that the city is interesting and comfortable”.

"This is a time of great opportunities, great risks, and great challenges. It is in these moments that each one of you and each one of us tries to make a difference”, he concluded.

Devoteam arrives in Porto with the objective of reaching a turnover of 75 million euros. Defending the idea that we "really had to be in the heart of this beautiful city”, the managing director of the consultancy in Portugal, Bruno Mota, guaranteed that this moment "does not only represent the inauguration of a new space and the growth of the company, but also the reinforcement of our commitment to the Northern region, in the creation of jobs, in the construction of a network contacts and local partnerships and also in the dynamism of the city’s economy”.

The responsible assumed the company’s "ambitious plan” for the coming years and the importance of this step taken in Porto. "When we combine the best people with the best technologies, we have the strength we need to unlock the future”, he believes, leaving the commitment that "we are here to energize the region and create an impact in this wonderful city”.

French company wants to contribute to the Portuguese Silicon Valley

Also present at the inauguration, the managing director of the Devoteam group, Sebastien Chevrel, stressed that this is "an important year for us”, with the company reaching one billion euros, ten thousand talents and 25 geographies.

For Sebastien Chevrel, the offices at Palácio dos Correios, which he considers having the potential to be leaders, are "a door to reach the country’s Silicon Valley, perhaps Europe”, as they provide the opportunity to dialogue with other innovative companies.

Recalling that Devoteam entered the country with an office in Lisbon, the managing director spoke directly to Rui Moreira: "I know you are fighting against centralization in Lisbon. And, if we want to have a real impact in Portugal, we must have a strong impact in the North. And we were able to have an impact in the North by staying in the North”.

Why Porto? Sebastien Chevrel recognized that "life in the city is getting better and better” socially and economically, but also in terms of sustainability, safety, accessibility, or mobility, which attracts companies. "You can count on us to contribute”, he assured.