European Union grants 1.6 million to University of Porto's startup to make wind turbines more efficient

· 07 Jan 2022
Fibersail, a startup installed at UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto, received funding of 1.6 million euros from the European Union to increase the potential of the technology it develops and helps monitor the efficiency of wind turbine blades.
Wind turbines are already part of the landscape, and there is a startup installed at UPTEC helping to make them more efficient. Fibersail, founded in 2014, works on monitoring the condition of critical structures, such as wind turbines.
The company has developed a system that measures the shape of structures remotely and in real-time, while also processing information about the atmospheric environment. This provides greater insight into the actual condition and behaviour of wind blades, thus enabling greater efficiency, failure prevention, and reduced maintenance costs.
The funding of 1.6 million euros, obtained under Portugal 2020, through the European Regional Development Fund, will allow "to grow the team and demonstrate the potential of the value proposition that Fibersail's patented technology has in maximizing the efficiency of wind turbines, also allowing to help in reducing high maintenance costs", stressed the CEO and co-founder of the company, Pedro Pinto, quoted by the news portal of the University of Porto.
The goal for the future, admitted the same responsible, is "to accelerate the implementation of the defined strategy to become a benchmark in the wind market".