Creative industries and talent bring Czech investment agency to Porto

The Czech investment promotion agency visited Porto for two days to share good practices and experiences. At Paços do Concelho, CzechInvest was received by the councillor responsible of Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Ricardo Valente, who presented the example that has been developed by its counterpart, InvestPorto.
Creative industries such as the gaming industry, music, art, audiovisual, design, architecture, virtual reality or augmented reality were the areas that enhanced this meeting, where they talked about the installation of industries, but also about policies to attract talent and boost events.
In Paços do Concelho, the councilman also presented the economic development strategy for 2035, PULSAR Porto, which places culture and creative industries among the most relevant areas of economic activity for the city. Ricardo Valente stressed the importance of this type of visits and the sharing of experiences between entities from different countries, emphasizing that "Porto is a city that likes bridges".
Besides InvestPorto, the representatives of CzechInvest, the expert in creative industries, Marketa Mentelova, and the project manager at the Regional Department of Zlín, Adela Kattauerova, visited the UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto, the CRU - Creative Hub and the School of Arts at the Catholic University. The visit to the municipality also provided an opportunity to learn about the work carried out by the Portuguese Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade and the Porto Design Factory.
Established in 1992, the Czech agency has the same purpose as InvestPorto: the attraction of foreign direct investment and the development of local companies. CzechInvest promotes the Czech Republic abroad and acts as an intermediary between small and medium-sized enterprises and the European Union in the implementation of structural funds.