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Blip expands in the oriental area of the city with the Municipality of Porto's support

Blip expands in the oriental area of the city with the Municipality of Porto's support
11 Nov 2016
Today, the technology company Blip saw its presence being expanded in the city of Porto. The new premises, opened in the Bonfim area, are the result of the company's exponential growth process that chooses Porto as its main software development center. With the support of the Municipality of Porto, this is good news not only for the urban rehabilitation but also for the job creation in the city.

The building of approximately six thousand square meters is an architectural landmark in the city, which now receives 285 employees. It was the selected option by Blip among several presented by InvestPorto, which is now starting to see the results of its efforts in terms of attracting new businesses and investments.

The Minister of Economy, Manuel Caldeira Cabral, the UK Ambassador in Portugal, Kirsty Hayes, the CTO of Paddy Power Betfair, Paul Cutter, the City Councillor for Economic and Social Development, Ricardo Valente, the City Councillor for Innovation and Environment, Filipe Araújo, and the City Councillor for Housing and Social Services, Manuel Pizarro, all attended the opening.