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An American delegation of real estate investors visited Porto

An American delegation of real estate investors visited Porto
Porto. · 04 Jul 2022

Following a meeting on cities that took place during the participation of the Municipality of Porto in MIPIM 2022, the Porto City Hall received the visit of a New York delegation, which represents a group of US investors in the real estate field.

On the occasion of a trade mission in Lisbon, and derived from the previous contact established in Cannes, the delegation expressed the desire to visit the city of Porto, to know the lifestyle and investment potential.

The delegation was part of the management of two companies based in New York and representing a group of North American investors: Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors (represented by President Antony Domathati and head of marketing Cathleen Stack) and Dynamax Realty Team | DynaMax Realty (who was represented, among other members of the Dynamax Realty team, by its president Tony L. D'Anzica).

As it was the first visit of all elements to Portugal and Porto, a program was carried out that included a reception in the City Hall of Porto, with the presentation of the film Porto – 7 Notas Musicais and an intervention by the councillor of Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Ricardo Valente, in addition to a presentation of the residential and investment market and a brief visit to the Town Hall.

The North American delegation also visited the Bonjardim Project, the Porto Quinto Project and the 720 Marechal da Costa Project. After a visit to the area of Marginal and Foz, the visit was concluded with a dinner at Casa do Roseiral offered by the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira.

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