Allotment operation at Monte da Bela foresees 244 dwellings for middle class

21 Oct 2020
The subdivision operation planned for Monte da Bela is a part of the municipal policy of affordable housing promotion, will include the constitution of a total of 13 lots. 244 dwellings will be built, in a project that will be submitted to public consultation after being voted by the Executive.
Of the 13 planned lots, 12 will be used for housing, with the construction of a total of 244 houses, distributed by types T1 (12 houses), T2 (192), and T3 (40). The remaining lot will be reserved for trade, services, and equipment.
This affordable housing project will be implemented on the Monte da Bela site, located in Campanhã, in an area of more than 28,000 square meters, where the São Vicente de Paulo neighborhood existed.
At the next City Council meeting, the Executive will vote to submit this allotment project to public consultation. After the expected approval of the proposal, signed by the councilor for the areas of Urbanism, Public Space and Heritage, Pedro Baganha, and after the respective notice is published in Diário da República, the subdivision operation will come into public discussion for a period of 15 business days.
The Monte da Bela plan fits in with the strategy adopted by Porto City Council to respond to the "increasing difficulty of some sectors of the middle class in accessing the housing market", a factor that "introduced a failure in the housing market, damaging the social cohesion, urban diversity and cohesion and increasing the potential for territorial inequality and exclusion".
In this respect, since August, the first 14 affordable rent houses have been rehabilitated in Morro da Sé, in the heart of the Historic Center. The house keys were handed over at a ceremony in July, in which the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, stressed that the Municipality is committed to "trying to replace what is called a market failure, which is that there is no housing available for these people, that they can pay with their wages".
The affordable housing project in Monte da Bela is part of the vision of the Porto City Council for the eastern part of the city, which is preparing to gain a new dynamism with other major interventions. The Slaughterhouse will be the anchor for the development of that area of Invicta - the consignment note for the work was signed today - and, in the immediate vicinity, there will also be a profound requalification of Praça da Corujeira and the future Campanhã Intermodal Terminal, whose works will take place September 2019.