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50 thousand euros in discount vouchers have already been distributed to tradespeople

50 thousand euros in discount vouchers have already been distributed to tradespeople
11 May 2021

So far, Porto City Council has already distributed around 50 thousand euros of vouchers to commercial establishments that have joined the incentive program for commercial activity. The measure includes a discount of 2 euros for every 20 euros in purchases at participating stores. Applications are still being accepted and the measure remains active until July 30th.

The program will remain active in the coming months, to support the resumption of Porto's street and traditional commerce activities. More than 100 applications have already been registered, with new ones incoming daily.

The measure is aimed at restaurants, cafeterias, barber shops, hairdressing salons, beauty institutes, physical well-being activity establishments, or any commercial store up to 250 sq. mt. and with a door to the street. Consumers are able to identify participating establishments, as all of them display a badge on the window that identifies their membership to the program.

The discount vouchers are delivered by Porto City Council to the tradespeople, who then apply them directly to the purchases made in their establishments. Thus, for every 20 euros spent, customers automatically receive a discount of 2 euros, with a maximum limit of 100 euros per purchase. The reimbursement will be paid by the Municipality to the tradespeople upon presentation of a copy of the invoices.

Applications are still open

To join the program, traders must complete the membership form, which is available on the Municipality's Portal, or do it in person at the Municipality's Office, by simply pre-scheduling the service through the Porto Line. 220 100 220, or by sending an email to, with the subject "Adesão ao Programa de incentivo à atividade commercial” [Application to the Program to boost commercial activity].

Together with the form, you will be asked to attach the commercial registration certificate, as well as the IBAN proof. At the time of application - or only when requesting reimbursement -, a certificate of non-existence of debts must be delivered to the Tax Authority and a declaration of non-existence of debts to Social Security.

All information can be verified at, by email or by calling 222 097 106.

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