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Unilinkr is a pioneering Portuguese marketplace designed to bridge the gap between employers and talented university students. With a community of over 11,000 students from a diverse range of specialties, we facilitate connections for various types of employment opportunities, including one-time jobs, part-time, and full-time positions.

Experience and Uniqueness
Our platform empowers companies to communicate their staffing needs directly to our extensive Unilinkr community, ensuring access to high-caliber university talent. This not only has a significant social impact on Porto's community but also on Portuguese society at large, by serving as a vital pathway for the future workforce to develop their soft skills.

Unilinkr stands as a testament to our commitment to fostering the growth of young professionals and addressing the dynamic needs of employers, making a lasting contribution to the development of Portugal's talent landscape.

Typical Customer
Our clientele encompasses a broad spectrum of businesses, ranging from those requiring additional staff for short-term needs, typically one to three days, in anticipation of increased demand — such as restaurants, hotels, and shops — to organizations seeking highly specialized students for internships or full-time positions.

Additionally, we cater to service industry clients, notably restaurants and hotels, in need of part-time staff for specific times, primarily weekends. This diverse range of employment opportunities enables us to effectively meet the varying needs of our clients while providing valuable, real-world experience for university students across.

Avenida do Bessa N 191, 13EP | 4100-012, Porto

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