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Triple A - Capital & Finance

Triple A - Capital & Finance is an Investment Boutique firm specialized in M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) Advisory and Financing Advisory.

Experience and Uniqueness
The company's services encompass the following:

(i) Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A):
a. Buying and selling companies or assets
b. Joint ventures
c. Spin-offs / carve-outs
d. Divestments
e. Buyouts
f. Leveraged buyouts (LBOs), management buyouts (MBOs), and management buy-ins (MBIs)
g. Business valuations
h. Financial due diligence

(ii) Financing Advisory:
a. Equity financing
b. Quasi-equity
c. Debt financing (senior, junior, private debt, etc.)
d. Grants & incentives, including European funds (Portugal 2030/PRR)

Typical Customer
The primary profile of our client base comprises of small and mid-market enterprises (SMEs) across diverse sectors, with a primary focus on the European market.

Rua de Diu 414, 4150-272 Porto

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