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Multipessoal is a Portuguese human resources company that operates in the areas of Temporary Work, Outsourcing, Facility Services, Specialised Recruitment and Selection and Digital Consultancy. Responsible for bridging the relationship between Applicants and Companies since 1993, Multipessoal's teams recruit, select, place and assist people looking for a job opportunity. For organisations, there are several human resources solutions available.

Experience and Uniqueness
Multipessoal is the first Human Resources company to be distinguished with the Five Stars Award in the "HR Recruitment and Selection" category. The added value of Multipessoal's service is aimed at satisfying the needs of both companies and professionals, with the primary goal of connecting candidates with the right profile to their customers' opportunities.

Typical Customer
We operate throughout the country, with companies of all sizes and sectors of activity.
Contact us:
  • Business development
  • Business consulting and market advisory
  • Recruitment and HR solutions
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Outsourcing
  • Employer branding
Supported languages English Portuguese
Market expertise
  • Europe
  • Portugal
Industry expertise Not available

Rua de Júlio Dinis n.º 676, 3º Piso 4050-320 Porto

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