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We are a global team driven by excellence, creativity, and pragmatism. Our purpose is to accelerate innovation. We support companies who design and build high technology products and services – enabling a smarter, faster, safer, cleaner, and brighter tomorrow.

Experience and Uniqueness
Since its creation in France in 1991, MI-GSO has pioneered the field of Project Management consulting and PMO as a Service. In its origins, MI-GSO innovated by transposing project management best practices from aeronautics and defense into the European automotive and energy industries.

In 2003, MI-GSO joined the ALTEN Group with the aim to build a global company capable of supporting its customers in any industry and any location in the world.

In 2013, PCUBED joined the MI-GSO journey bringing business transformation capabilities and a footprint in North America, the UK, Australia, and South East Asia.

Today, MIGSO-PCUBED is a unique consulting company combining its unmatched scale, global reach, and end-to-end PM/PMO value-adding range of services. MIGSO-PCUBED supports R&D, IT, and Transformation projects for our industrial, public sector, and financial services customers who rely on us.

MIGSO-PCUBED has more than 40 offices worldwide, with over 3000 employees.

Typical Customer
-Customer: Automotive, Consumer Products, Retail, Wholesale & Distribution, Transportation, Hospitality & Services

-Energy, Resources & Industrials: Industrial Products & Construction, Mining & Metals, Oil, Gas & Chemicals, Power, Utilities & Renewables

-Financial Services: Banking & Capital Markets, Insurance, Investment Management

-Real Estate

-Government & Public Services: Civil Government, Defense, Security & Justice, Health & Social Care, International Donor Organizations, Transport

-Life Sciences & Health Care

-Technology, Media & Telecommunications: Technology, Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment

-Aerospacial and Defense

Rua António Bessa Leite, 1430 – Piso 3 | 4150-072 Porto | Portugal

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