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Finpartner - Consultadoria, Contabilidade e Fiscal

Finpartner is a company specializing in accounting, tax, consulting, and payroll services on a national and international level. The presence of Finpartner is not only focused on national and international companies but also on individuals, always providing the best accounting, consulting, and tax services, responding to all the challenges that the economic and fiscal situation requires.

Experience and Uniqueness
Our team has 30 experienced professionals fluent in multiple languages, including Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, and Mandarin. This linguistic diversity allows us to effectively communicate and serve our clients from various linguistic backgrounds, ensuring clear and precise interactions. We prioritize personalized and ongoing communication with our clients, aiming to be an active partner in the growth of your business. By adapting to your specific needs, we strive not only to meet but to exceed your expectations. Our commitment to excellence is underpinned by the quality of our professional team, whose dynamism combines daily practical experience with extensive knowledge across a wide range of disciplines.

Typical Customer
Size: Finpartner serves a wide range of clients, from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to large corporations. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses at different stages of growth, from startups and family-owned businesses to established corporations with complex financial structures.

Business Sector: we operate in various sectors, including but not limited to:
-Financial Services
-Professional Services
-Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
-Technology and IT Services
-Real Estate and Construction
-Tourism and hospitality
-Transport and distribution services

Our expertise allows us to provide specialized support tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities of each industry.

Geographic Region: while our headquarters are centrally located, our client base extends nationally and internationally. We have clients from various parts of the world, including France, Spain, Germany, the UK, the United States, Brazil, and others. This global reach allows us to provide comprehensive accounting, tax, and consulting services.

Avenida da Boavista, nº 1203, 5º andar, sala 508,4100-130 Porto

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