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diconium digital solutions

In digitalization, everything is connected. That is why we've been enabling leading companies for digital commerce with our entire expertise since 1995. From strategy, technology, data, to organization and transformation – end to end. Helping them to master every challenge. Transforming strategy and operations into powerful results. And taking the next crucial step forward. By pushing the limits of what it means to scale digitally.

Our goal: Providing every client, every employee, and every company with the tools, organizational capabilities & skills they need: To become protagonists of digitalization and to forge their own successful paths. In a digital ecosystem in which they can grow. Outpacing their competition. Always able to inspire and convince with their creativity and passion. To unleash their digital potential.

We are working on this every day with more than 2,000 colleagues at our worldwide locations in Europe, North America and Asia. For industry leaders and challengers such as Volkswagen, Bosch, Kodak Alaris or SICK. As a part of Volkswagen. Independent in the way we think and act.

Typical Customer
Our customer are part of several industry areas that aims to transform their digital business. Our main customer are Volkswagen (as we are part of the group), STIHL, Bosch, Kodak, SICK and others that want to invest on digital commerce, automotive and digital transformation.
Contact us:

Rua Augusto Rosa 79, 4400-098 Porto Portugal

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