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COUNCIL GLOBAL is the international consultancy brand that has developed within the COUNCIL group, whose business of advising companies was founded in 1985. COUNCIL GLOBAL provides consultancy, accounting and tax services, economic and financial studies, systems design and software development, professional training and the design, production and organisation of events, and activities.

Experience and Uniqueness
Our extensive experience allows companies to benefit from practical and functional solutions designed by our teams of consultants using advanced technological tools and always taking into account the particularities of each business.

Typical Customer
Our extensive experience, which began in 1985, allows our client companies from various sectors of activity and geographical areas to benefit from practical and functional solutions designed by our teams of consultants using advanced technological tools, and always taking into account the particularities of each business.

Our organisation provides management consultancy services through professionals who are trained and qualified to diagnose or formulate solutions in the business field, as well as to improve economic and financial procedures.

We realise that each client has its own specific characteristics and we are committed to finding the right response to each company's needs. The preparation of a diagnosis, tax strategy, and constant monitoring of the client are the priorities of our services.

We implement business reorganisation processes, particularly in the case of spin-offs or mergers of companies that feel the strategic need to disaggregate one or more business areas, investment and/or divestment processes, and support for companies wishing to increase the scalability of their business.

Council Global is in a position to provide effective solutions for business reorganisation in order to reformulate the structure of client companies, taking into account best practices, to guarantee their sustainability and with the aim of strengthening business.

Communication and marketing are important components of an organisation's management and strategy, because they have become particularly evident in the internationalisation of economies, with increasing competition between companies from different countries. Council offers strategic solutions that enable companies to grow and strengthen in an increasingly competitive market, and makes an in-depth analysis to realise the opportunities that can be advantageous for each business.

We have the know-how in the area of communication, marketing and technology to put at the service of companies, making them more competitive, with a focus on creativity, strategy, and commitment. There is a consensus that the purpose of communication and marketing is to create value, and satisfy customers.

Since 1998, we have had expertise in drawing up business diagnoses, drawing up, and implementing insolvency plans and Special Revitalisation Process (PER) plans, supported by our methodology in various business and private proceedings.

Rua da Firmeza, nº 42 4000-224 Porto, Portugal

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