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Recruitment and employer support

IEFP - Internships + Talent

The internships are designed to provide practical work experience without occupying an existing job position. This incentive is also applicable for the development of internships for access to regulated professions, while respecting the decisions of professional public associations. Curricular internships for any courses or those requiring qualifications in the fields of medicine and nursing are excluded.

Support for the Interns:

  • Monthly internship allowance, varying according to the level of qualification:
    • Level 6: 2.2 IAS (€1,120.37)
    • Level 7: 2.4 IAS (€1,222.22)
    • Level 8: 2.6 IAS (€1,324.08)
  • Meal or meal allowance.
  • Accident insurance.
  • Interns with disabilities are entitled to transport or a transport allowance equivalent to 10% of the IAS.

Support for the Promoting Entities:

  • Financial participation from the IEFP is based on the unit cost modality, per month and per internship, with:
    • 80% participation for:
      • Internships in professions with gender under-representation.
      • Internships located in interior territories.
      • Internships for individuals with disabilities.
      • The conclusion of a permanent full-time employment contract within 20 working days after the internship.
    • 65% participation in other situations.


To be eligible, companies must ensure:

  • Comply with legal and regulatory obligations, including fiscal and contributory requirements.
  • Not have established work, service provision, or internship relationships with the recipients in the 24 months preceding the application, except for curricular internships or employment contracts established during school holidays.

Applications for the Estágios +Talento initiative will be accepted from 09:00 on 3rd October 2024 to 18:00 on 28th April 2025.

How to obtain

By accessing the following link, you will able the consulte all the documentation:
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