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University 5.0 Job Fair

University 5.0 Job Fair

The passage of a student through a Higher Education Institution (HEI) should not be limited to obtaining a diploma. Within the concept of University 5.0, the Job Fair takes great prominence, not only because of the various companies it brings to the University campus but also due to the significant level of student engagement it generates.


Given the high importance of this connection between students and the job market, it is the responsibility of the University of Aveiro, through the Office of Career Services (GESP), and the AAUAv (Academic Association of the University of Aveiro) to provide events and initiatives that bridge the gap between its students/alumni and companies/institutions.


In the 2019 edition, the Physical Job Fair had about 1,100 participants, approximately 60 companies, and more than 400 job interviews. This underscored the importance of this event within the student community.


Following the successful dynamics, the University of Aveiro and AAUAv returned with a new event in November 2021, providing its students/alumni, for the first time, with two major events in the same year. In this edition, besides the "Interview Space," Stands returned, promoting direct interaction between candidates and employers.


Since 2022, the momentum has continued with two events: the first in May/June, focused solely on job interviews, and the second in November, with companies present in an exhibition space (stands) along with job interviews.

Know more here

23 of November of 2023 Thu
Campus Universitário de Santiago
Pavilhão Aristides Hall
3810-193 Aveiro

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