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TEDxPorto 2023: Pontes

TEDxPorto 2023: Pontes
At no other time in human history have we been anywhere near the current situation in terms of the volume and variety of information available. But does this quantity and variety also translate into greater knowledge, understanding and intelligence?

In an increasingly polarized society, differences of perspective are a necessary reflex and reaching consensus on several issues central to our lives will certainly be a utopia. Even so, we will all benefit from dialogue and information flows that allow greater understanding among all.

To do so, we need to abandon beliefs and values that prevent us from accepting change. By breaking down walls and building bridges, societies become more open and sophisticated. If we open our arms to the diversity of ideas and people, together we can create prosperity and abundance for all, with a greater sense of justice and well-being, with less inequality and more empathy.

Click here to read the entire TEDxPorto 2023 manifesto.

04 of March of 2023 08:00 - 18:15 Sat
Centro de Congressos da Alfândega
Rua Nova da Alfândega
4050-430 Porto

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