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She is Tech - Embracing Diversity in Recruitment: Best Practices for Collaborating With Business and Disrupting Bias

She is Tech - Embracing Diversity in Recruitment: Best Practices for Collaborating With Business and Disrupting Bias
Promoting gender equality in the tech industry is crucial for building a better digital world. In January 2024, the first conference brought together the brightest women in tech from Europe, the USA, Japan, Colombia, and Malaysia. Among the topics — enhancing gender equality, advancing women's careers, and developing solutions that can empower women in the technology sector and beyond. Barrier-breaking discussions engaged experts in gender equality and diversity, female top managers, entrepreneurs, and community leaders.

The initiated She Is Tech community now gathers women who strive to share experiences, give mutual support, and move the industry toward equality. 

Learn how to craft inclusive job advertisements, ally with hiring managers, and conduct impactful kick-off calls. Uncover strategies and practical techniques for diversity in the recruitment process.

For 15+ years, Anna has been driving recruitment solutions across EMEA for multinational renowned brands, and now at Intellias. Her expertise lies in leadership, performance management, and talent acquisition. 

Join us at the She is Tech webinar and become a diversity ambassador. Let’s celebrate diversity by disrupting biases and reshaping the recruitment landscape.

28 of May of 2024 16:00 - 18:00 Tue

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