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PRO_MOV - Opening session

PRO_MOV - Opening session

PRO_MOV is a national program that is part of the European Reskilling 4 Employment (R4E) initiative conceived by the European Round Table for Industry (ERT), a European forum of executives whose mission is to promote competitiveness and prosperity in Europe. The aim of R4E is to retrain 1 million Europeans by 2025.

In Portugal, PRO_MOV began in December 2021, driven by a group of companies from a wide range of sectors, alongside the public sector, through the IEFP, and in close cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, Solidarity, and Social Security.

This project is designed to benefit the country by offering support to unemployed individuals, those facing job insecurities, or those seeking a career change. Central to this initiative are the companies that play a pivotal role in providing a combination of theoretical requalification training and practical work-based training.

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25 of October of 2023 14:30 - 16:30 Wed
Serviço de Formação Profissional do Porto
Rua Peso da Régua
4300-409 Porto

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