Presentation of the partnership between the faculty of Biotechnology and Biorbis

This program expects an initial private investment of 3 million, with a potential increase of 23 million over the next 5 years, in the research and innovation project that seeks to develop the next generation of safe, sustainable, and high-value biomolecules.
The event will take place in the Arménio Miranda Auditorium in the Biotechnology Building.
11h00 | Opening Remarks
Isabel Capeloa Gil | Reitora / President | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
11h15 | Sustainable Ingredients – from Portugal to the world
John Melo | Co-fundador & Co-diretor / Co-founder & Co-director | Biorbis
11h30 | Partnership between UCP and Biorbis
Jorge Leal | Co-fundador & Co-diretor / Co-founder & Co-director | Biorbis
11h45 | R&D at CBQF and integration of the CIRCULAS project
Manuela Pintado | Diretora / Director | Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina (CBQF) / Centre for Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry
12h00 | Technological innovation as a driver for internationalization
Jorge Portugal | Diretor / Director | COTEC
12h10 | Signing of the MoU between UCP and Biorbis
12h15 | Closing Remarks
Bernardo Ivo Cruz / Secretary of State for International Trade and Foreign Investment
Know more here
Rua Diogo Botelho 1327
Biotechnology Building