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Porto. for Talent Summer Academy 2023

Porto. for Talent Summer Academy 2023
Initiative of the Municipality of Porto, promoted by the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto, which was created to provide a gradual and differentiating approach between Higher Education students and the business community of the Municipality of Porto.

It is aimed at students who are attending any study cycle (CTeSP, Degree, Integrated Master, Master or Doctorate) in a Higher Education Institution in the macro-region of Porto and North, in the academic year 2023/2024.

The third edition of the Porto. for Talent Summer Academy will take place during the week of September 4 to 8 and includes a set of initiatives to explore the labour market and different professional profiles, namely:

. Career Workshop - This marks the start of the Porto.for Talent Summer Academy and will allow students from Higher Education to get to know the different career models and paths, deconstruct myths and make their choices about the companies and professionals they will want to contact in order to get to know the real work context better.

. Learning Community - In an online format, Higher Education students will have access to guides that will help them to prepare effectively the contact with those same companies and professionals.

. Life Talks - one-to-one conversations between a student and a professional about his/her career and the real work context.

. Meeting Points - visits to companies/institutions of different activity sectors, dimensions and purposes.

. Career Sunsets - informal end-of-afternoon conversations between a panel of professionals from the company/institution and a group of students, focusing on career paths.

. Get Together - Closing moment that aims to provide a moment of interaction and closeness between all the elements involved in the initiative.

Participation in the Porto. for Talent Summer Academy is completely free of charge, but places are limited. Registration and more details here.

For additional information, please contact the Porto. for Talent Summer Academy team through or by telephone 223 392 360.
04 - 08 of September of 2023 00:00 - 00:00 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

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