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Greater Porto at MIPIM 2023: a promising future

Greater Porto at MIPIM 2023: a promising future
Greater Porto, made up of Matosinhos, Porto and Gaia, will participate in MIPIM 2023, one of the world's leading real estate events, to promote the strengths of the region and create investment opportunities. Reach out to Greater Porto team for more information on how to participate.
Greater Porto, made up of the municipalities of Matosinhos, Porto, and Vila Nova de Gaia, is a region that is pioneering in overcoming challenges through inventive solutions. The region has come together in an unprecedented dialogue to promote the strengths of each city, add value, create investment opportunities, and open new horizons for the future of North-Western Portugal.

In order to present its vision and strategy, particularly for participation in MIPIM 2023, Greater Porto brought together 90 participants from 68 companies on December 14th, at the Serralves Foundation Library. The event was attended by Ricardo Valente, Councillor for Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship of the Municipality of Porto, Marta Pontes, Councillor for Economy, Commerce, Tourism and Internationalization of the Municipality of Matosinhos, António Castro, President of GAIURB - Urbanismo e Habitação, EM., and Inovagaia of the Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, as well as Albert Castro, CEO of Inversion Meridiana and Iberian Representative of MIPIM.

The speakers emphasized that Greater Porto is an ongoing project with a promising future, which began at Expo Real 2022 in Munich and will be consolidated in the next edition of MIPIM in 2023. The main goal of the event was to reach the ecosystem of entrepreneurs, companies, and investors in order to join the Greater Porto community to participate as co-exhibitors in the next edition of MIPIM.

MIPIM is one of the largest real estate events in the world. In 2022 it had over 20,000 participants, 2,400 exhibiting companies, and 6,380 financing and investment company representatives. Over four days in Cannes (France), cities, brands, businesses, and services have the opportunity to be projected to the international market, through unique networking opportunities with the best decision-makers in the area.

After the success at Expo Real, Greater Porto's participation strategy at MIPIM 2023, which will take place from March 14th to 17th, assumes a new positioning, more aggregative, dynamic, and differentiating. By participating in MIPIM 2023, the Municipalities of Matosinhos, Porto, and Vila Nova de Gaia, as well as entrepreneurs, companies, and investors will have the opportunity to showcase the strengths of the region to the world, and open new horizons for the future of North-Western Portugal.

You can check the presentation on the strategy and vision of the Greater Porto project, which also presents the main advantages of participating in MIPIM 2023 together with the Municipalities of Matosinhos, Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia by clicking here. If you are interested in joining Greater Porto community to participate as co-exhibitors in MIPIM 2023, please reach out to Greater Porto team for more information on how to participate.

14 - 17 of March of 2023 Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
Cannes - France

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