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Conference Mercer x TERA: "Rethinking Talent Management"

Conference Mercer x TERA: "Rethinking Talent Management"

Mercer and the Porto City Council are organizing in the Conference - "Rethinking Talent Management" - on May 30th, at 9:00 AM, at the Auditorium of Almeida Garrett Municipal Library in Porto.

Organisations that want to successfully overcome the challenges of a volatile and uncertain context share the same agenda: to become more human. Actions in this context range from creating new value propositions for their people to rethinking their social contribution. These organisations are also redefining processes, working models and digitalising tasks that promote a new vision of work.

In this sense, this event will aim to share the main conclusions of the Mercer Global Talent Trends study and reflect on how companies in Portugal are responding to the challenges and the current context.

Learn about the trends in talent management and best practices to attract and retain talent in your organisation. Our experts will highlight the main trends identified in this year's study, and the best practices that organisations are adopting. 

They will address topics such as how can companies stay relevant in an increasingly competitive and disruptive context, how leadership models are changing, how focusing on the well-being of employees is a competitive advantage and how employee empowerment can make organisations more agile.
30 of May of 2023 09:00 - 12:30 Tue
Auditório da Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett
Jardins do Palácio de Cristal, R. de Dom Manuel II
4050-239 Porto

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