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Como fazer crescer uma ideia com impacto? #RoadshowPorto

Como fazer crescer uma ideia com impacto? #RoadshowPorto
In the stop in Porto of the #Roadshow of Casa do Impacto, organized in partnership with UPTEC, will be presented the new CI and its programs and opportunities in open call and talk about impact evaluation. "We want to encourage and cultivate a close relationship between the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem of the Porto region, especially those with impact, with Casa do Impacto (CI) and its projects and partners."

The program will take place at UPTEC - Baixa , on February 22, with the following points:

# 1 | Welcome (UPTEC & CI) + Presentation of Casa do Impacto

# 2 | Impact Assessment - The practical case of +PLUS, the investment program of CI

with the participation of startup Carbono Biodiverso

# 3 - Q&A
22 of February of 2023 10:00 - 11:30 Wed
Praça do Coronel Pacheco
4050-453 Porto

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