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City Café | Os Desafios da Transição Digital

City Café | Os Desafios da Transição Digital
The City Café initiative is part of the Porto Innovation Hub (PIH) activity, coordinated by Porto Digital on behalf of Porto City Council, and is aimed at municipal teams.

Aiming to create in PIH space an informal moment of collaborative dialogue between speakers and audience, this activity is inspired by a coffee break, an after-lunch moment, during which participation and dialogue between participants is natural and desirable. The events are face-to-face and free of charge, with prior online registration.

The upcoming session is part of the cycle dedicated to the "Future", which is subdivided into three subthemes: "The Future of Organisations", "The Skills of the Future" and "The Future of Cities".

On 16 February, at 1.30pm, Daniel Santos will be at PIH for a talk on "The Challenges of Digital Transition.

How to avoid just surviving in the era of digital disruption and capitalise on the opportunities it offers us? We will learn about some approaches anchored in customer focus and agility and understand how they are essential to overcome the organisational, technological and cultural challenges imposed by the digital transition.

Daniel Santos, is a service designer and an enthusiast for people-centric innovation. With a vast experience in projects where he led Service Design; User Research and Digital Transformation components, Daniel has worked in various sectors and industries, such as: health software; public services; Smart Cities, among others, always with the goal of developing sustainable and innovative experiences, services and products that deliver differentiated value for all beneficiaries: consumers, customers, workers and companies.
16 of February of 2023 13:30 - 14:15 Thu
Porto Innovation Hub
Largo do Doutor Tito Fontes 15
4000-124 Porto

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